作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 09:40:12   阅读:112 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function sumDoubles which takes a pointer to a list of doubles and the length of the list and returns the total. Write a test for this function.使用cpp计...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-28 14:44:04   阅读:101 次   消耗积分:0 分
Design an interface called ContinuousTimeOption. It should have afunction payoff which takes a vector of stock prices and a vector of timesat which the price occ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-28 12:39:41   阅读:104 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a class RectangleRulePricer which can price a PathDependentOption using the numerical integration routines written in the earlier exercises. Use Equation ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-27 18:36:34   阅读:99 次   消耗积分:0 分
Draw a UML diagram for your Cipher classes.一、什么是UML图?UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种用于软件设计的图形化语言,它提供了一套标准化的符号和规则,用于描...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-27 17:15:29   阅读:108 次   消耗积分:0 分
Any encryption algorithm should have methods encrypt and decrypt. This can be represented as an interface called Cipher. It is then possibleto provide different...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-27 15:00:40   阅读:113 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function differentiateNumerically that can differentiate  any RealFunction.理解题目要求之后,写代码就相对比较容易了。代码地址:对比视图(522d1b37a228b768...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-27 13:47:06   阅读:106 次   消耗积分:0 分
Test the normcdf function against numerical integration of the pdf of the normal distribution.这个总体上不存在什么难度,只需要在原先的基础上实现一个函数就好了。具...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-27 13:26:24   阅读:107 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function integralToInfinity that uses integration by substitution to transform an infinite integral to one the function integral can compute. class Rea...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-26 17:10:43   阅读:110 次   消耗积分:0 分
10.6.2 Write a class NormalPDF and compute its integral from −1.96 to 1.96.解决这个问题,尝试实现了一个NormalPDF类并进行了简单的测试,代码并不保证完全正确,仅供...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-26 15:41:49   阅读:98 次   消耗积分:0 分
### 练习题:10.6.1A digital call option with maturity T and strike K. This has a payoff equal to 1 if the stock price at maturity is greater than K and 0 other w...
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