作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-02 18:54:17   阅读:1217 次   消耗积分:0 分
There is a lot of identical code between our different chart classes. In particular they all have in common a title and two functions called writeAsHTML. Design ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-02 16:31:41   阅读:1105 次   消耗积分:0 分
Create a UML diagram for the class hierarchy with base class Shape.Shape类相关的代码:#pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "testing.h" const double PI ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-02 15:03:33   阅读:1321 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write an AsianOption which represents an Asian option. Show where this new class fits into the UML diagram of options.对于Asian Option的描述,可以参考下面的网站:...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-02 14:17:06   阅读:1196 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write DigitalCallOption and DigitalPutOption classes. Refactor PutOption so it extends PathIndependentOption.这个题目的要求看起来并不算特别难。但是编写的时候也遇...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 22:56:38   阅读:1108 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function search which takes as input two char* strings. The first should be phrase, a phrase to search for, the second should be text, some text to scan ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 14:13:59   阅读:1082 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function polarToCartesian which takes four parameters: r, theta, x, and y. x and y should be passed by pointers. The function should populate the values ...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 13:44:08   阅读:884 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function meanDistance which takes a pointer to a list of Pair objects and computes the mean distance of (x, y) to the origin.实现起来比较容易,下面代码仅...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 10:17:22   阅读:839 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function reverseDoubles which takes a pointer to a list of doubles and the length of the list and reverses it. So (1, 2, 3, 4) should be changed to (4, 3...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2024-01-01 09:40:12   阅读:408 次   消耗积分:0 分
Write a function sumDoubles which takes a pointer to a list of doubles and the length of the list and returns the total. Write a test for this function.使用cpp计...
作者:yunjinqi   类别:    日期:2023-12-28 14:44:04   阅读:404 次   消耗积分:0 分
Design an interface called ContinuousTimeOption. It should have afunction payoff which takes a vector of stock prices and a vector of timesat which the price occ...
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